Friday, February 27, 2009

New Legislation Workshop 2

Please join the AIBC for the second of three information sessions on the proposed new Architectural Act. Your intern committee strongly encourages you to participate in these sessions to better understand what is being proposed for the new Act and what impact it will have on your profession. These sessions are also the time to provide feedback to AIBC Council as it continues to work on this draft new legislation for government's consideration. The next two sessions are:

Monday, March 9, 2009
· Mandatory Insurance
· Specialization
· Role of the Registrar

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
· Proposed Framework for Bylaws
· Proposed Framework for Scope of Practice

AIBC Offices, #100 - 440 Cambie Street, Vancouver

ARE 3.1 Scheduling

The June 30th deadline and exam re-booking waiting period are taken from the ARE e-news email sent by NCARB ( to all candidates on February 13, 2009.

The last day to take an ARE 3.1 exam is Tuesday June 30, 2009. After that day the equivalent exam(s) will need to be re-taken in the new format.

A failed exam has a mandatory 6 month waiting period for retake. However, that exam cannot be re-scheduled before 4 months have passed from the original test date. The retest date can be no earlier than 6 months from the original test date.

As an example this means that if you took an ARE 3.1 exam, say Building Technology, on December 23, 2008 and failed you will need to wait until April 23, 2009 to re-schedule. At that time you will need find an exam slot within a seven day period between June 23rd and June 30 in order to retake the exam no earlier than 6 months from the fail date (in this particular example) and the last day for ARE 3.1 exams. After June 30, 2009 Building Technology will split into four exams in the new format.

From experience, getting a six hour graphic exam slot within two months is difficult. We expect getting an exam spot within an even shorter time period, especially as June 30th approaches, to be even more difficult.

If you are in this or a similar position with ARE 3.1 exams, please email the AIBC’s Registration Coordinator, Róisín O’Neill at The AIBC is taking these exam registration issues seriously (especially where ARE 3.1 exams are split up into multiple exams in ARE 4.0) and will work with NCARB on your behalf to see what can be done to ensure dates are available for you.

-IAC committee